What should a novice QA Automation Engineer read and watch?
30 Sep 2022

IT can be difficult for Juniors to identify resources on the Internet that are really worth spending time on. Ilya Lyubimov, the QA automation engineer at EPAM, helped to figure out which materials should one pick, how each of them would be useful to novice engineers, and also why it is so important to practice English.  

The site helps developers get to know the Java ecosystem better. There are a lot of useful courses here, especially on the Spring Framework. Practical issues are clearly explained. There your can also read about Jackson, Cucumber, and take free tutorials on the Java frameworks. Related topics for Java developers are also good to check out: Linux, Computer Science, Kotlin, Scala.


There are now a variety of frameworks and libraries that QA automation engineers use in their work. Therefore, it is important to identify the main technologies you have to start with and know where to go in case any questions arise. For each specialist, the stack of technologies will be different. Documentation for each technology must be searched on a case-by-case basis. 

Google and StackOverflow

Yes, it is obvious, but at the very beginning, you will look especially often for answers on Google and on StackOverflow. It is important to be able to formulate questions correctly & concisely, and try deconstructing your problem to elementary tasks, answers to which you can find quickly. This is a very important skill. It will increase your productivity, and then help you clearly formulate tasks and sub-tasks for yourself and your colleagues. The only difficulty is not enough questions and answers. So, the next, not the most obvious, group of resources...

.NET documentation

This is the website where you can learn how to use .NET to create applications on any platform using C#, F#, and Visual Basic. Browse API references, sample code, tutorials, and more.

C# documentation

On this resource, you have an opportunity to learn how to write any applications using the C# programming language on the .NET platform.


25 Best Java Books For Beginners and Advanced learners In 2022. Getting the hang of coding might be confusing for an absolute beginner. If you still haven’t put together your reading list for 2022, check out this list of best books for Java learners. Or pick one of the three books recommended by our experts:

  • Core Java by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell. The book is aimed at experienced programmers who want to learn how to write useful Java applications.
  • Head First Java by Kathy Sierra, Bert Bate. Learning a complex new language is no easy task, especially when it's an object-oriented computer programming language like Java. You might think the problem is your brain. It seems to have a mind of its own, a mind that doesn't always want to take in the dry, technical stuff you're forced to study. With this book you shouldn't worry about the "dryness" of the theory :)
  • The Way of the Web Tester: A Beginner's Guide to Automating Tests. This book is for everyone who needs to test the web. As a tester, you'll learn to automate your tests. As a developer, you'll start building more robust solutions. And as a team, you'll gain a vocabulary and a means to coordinate how to write and organize automated tests for the web. Follow the testing pyramid and level up your skills in user interface testing, integration testing, and unit testing.

English Language Materials 

It is impossible to underestimate the knowledge of English in IT. You will have to communicate with colleagues, use systems, frameworks, read documentation. For all this, English is required. Therefore, it is important to raise it to the B1-B2 level when starting out at EPAM. 

  • For free study there is an excellent site with grammar, auditing, correct pronunciation, courses. 
  • If you have a desire to study in the game format, then DuoLingo will come to the rescue – there you will also find theoretical materials in each lesson. 

Personal life hacks 

Change the settings of your devices to English, read the news from the original sources, watch TV series and movies in English with subtitles. This way you will increase your vocabulary, memorize slang phrases, and learn to perceive frequently used constructions for various life situations by ear. Let's study English! 

Regardless of the number of materials you read and learn, practice is necessary. So, test, test, and test again! And don't forget to frequently check out the available Test Automation programs from EPAM.