
Bookshelf of the novice .NET developer

19 Oct 2021

Microsoft's. NET platform is used to create software for Windows, virtual reality applications, video games, and scalable cloud services. One of the most popular programming languages for the.NET platform is C#. 

The possibilities of .NET are vast. We suggest starting with the basics every .NET developer should know to avoid confusion. We have gathered books that will not only give you an overview of.NET and C# but also enable you to deepen your understanding of this direction of development.   


The book will help (finally!) understand the big O notation and how to solve problems as efficiently as possible.


A must-have for any aspiring developer. So that other programmers (and the code's author) could grasp the code's purpose quickly. The book is your guide for getting started on large projects productively. 

Computer Science 

One book explains all the fundamental concepts. It will help you to learn new things faster and speak the same language as your colleagues. 


This book contains everything you need to know to understand and effectively apply database functionality, write, and optimize queries. Almost every application interacts with a database, so understanding them is essential for a backend developer. Also, the book will help you in successfully passing interviews.

C# for beginners 

This book will assist you in mastering the language's basic constructions. A lot of examples will help you feel confident as you begin writing your own programs. 

C# for intermediate students 

The .NET Developer's Bible. It contains both basic and more advanced topics. It will broaden your understanding of the assemblies’ organization mechanism, garbage collection, and multithreading.

C# for advanced students and professionals 

The book is for those who have already mastered the basics of C# and want to dig deeper to get the most out of the language. And to learn that "duck typing" has nothing to do with ducks 😊 

Computer networks 

It is not required reading for all novice .NET developers. However, it is a great place to start if you wish to understand the basics of computer networks, differentiate between TCP/IP and the OSI model and comprehend how the Internet is structured, especially if you're interested in the IoT (Internet of things).